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Substantive Waivers

Section "A" Policies

Section "A" Policies

AC-R  Employee Discrimination Harassment Reporting and Investigation Procedures


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School will be responsible for its own governance and operations. GLOBE Charter School must have the ability to choose its own governance structure and manner of operations.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School has its own discrimination/harassment reporting and investigation procedures, as outlined in the Employee Manual which is revised every year. We believe it is substantially in alignment with the intent of District policy AC.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School will be able to implement its own discrimination/harassment reporting and investigation procedures.

AD  School District Vision, Mission and Strategic Planning


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School has its own unique Vision and Mission. GLOBE Charter School will be operating independently from other schools in the district and defined its own educational philosophy and mission.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School fully supports the contents of this District policy.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School will be able to carry out its educational program, administer its affairs In an efficient manner, and accomplish its mission.

AED  Accreditation


Rationale: GLOBE has its own board responsible for managing the school to comply with state accreditation standards.

Plan: GLOBE fully supports the content of this District policy by establishment of our SAC and development of an annual SIP. Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE will maintain a chain of accountability to the state, District, and our parents.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE will maintain a chain of accountability to the State, District, and our Parents.
Section "B" Policies

Section "B" Policies

BCB-E   Disclosure Statement


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School has its own Governing Board.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School has its own disclosure form.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School will be responsible for identifying conflicts of interest regarding its school board members.


BDFH   Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Committee


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School will most likely not need these committees of its own, due to its small size.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will evaluate and consider any reports made by these District committees if such reports would be applicable to GLOBE Charter School.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects, as a result of this waiver, it will be able to evaluate and consider any reports made by District committees without the additional burden of forming these committees at the school level.


BG School Board of Education Policy Process


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will develop its policies regarding Governing Board meeting policies.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will have a policy subcommittee, but its membership will differ from that outlined by this District policy. GLOBE Charter School will otherwise use this policy in a delegatory manner.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School will be able to integrate this policy into the conduct of Governing Board meetings.


BID-BIE   Board of Education Member Compensation and Expenses/Insurance/Liability


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own Governing Board.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will reimburse its school board members for approved related expenditures and provide liability insurance coverage. However, GLOBE may not provide our school board members all of the equipments stated in the District policy.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School board members will be reimbursed for approved related expenditures, be provided with liability insurance coverage, and receive the necessary equipments to perform their duties.


BID-BIE-E    Master Expense and Reimbursement Request Form


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School has its own governing board.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School has its own master expense and reimbursement request form. Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School will be responsible for reimbursing its school board members for approved related expenditures.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School will be responsible for reimbursing its School Board Members for approved related expenditures.

BJA   State Legislative Program


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School, as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit entity, may be very limited in its legislative efforts.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will generally rely upon the District School Board, the Colorado League of Charter Schools, and other entities to advocate on its behalf in regard to any legislative efforts.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver, GLOBE Charter School will be limited in its legislative efforts and typically rely upon other entities to advocate on its behalf.
Section "C" policies

Section "C" policies

CEA           Administrative Advisory Committees            

CEA-R       Administrative Advisory Committees (Regulation)


Rationale: Since GLOBE Charter School will have at-will employees, such groups will not represent GLOBE Charter School employees and are therefore not applicable to the policy GLOBE Charter School will develop.

Plan: GLOBE will use this policy for administrative advisory committees, with the exception of the portions of this District policy that refer to "employee financial and/or working conditions" and the requirements of members fmm CSASE and CSPA.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will be able to adhere to applicable portions of this policy as described above, subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.

CHCA         Handbooks and Directives


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School will be operating independently from other schools in the district and should be delegated the authority to publish its own handbooks in the spirit of this District policy, reflecting the unique nature of GLOBE Charter School.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will adopt a policy in the spirit of this District policy. However, GLOBE

Charter School Handbooks will not cover District policies and regulations that have been waived for GLOBE Charter School. Also, the sections regarding the administrative handbook are expired and therefore not applicable.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will be able to publish its own handbooks and directives.



Section"D" Policies

Section"D" Policies

DBJ             Budget Transfers

DBJ-R         Budget Transfers-Regulation


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and should manage its own budget planning.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will specify a budget transfer policy more appropriate for a small school.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will be able to manage its own budget planning.


DC  Taxing and Borrowing


Rationale: GLOBE  Charter School will determine its own borrowing needs.

Plan: GLOBE will be responsible for its own borrowing policies, and does not have the authority to issue tax anticipation notes. GLOBE's policy will be similar to this District policy, where applicable, in particular, with respect to short-term borrowing.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE expects that as a result of this waiver it will be able to be responsible for its own borrowing policies, subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


DFA.DFAA         Statement of Investment Policy

DFA.DFAA-E           Statement of Investment of Policy.Exhibit


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and should determine its own investment strategy.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will develop investment policies with similar safeguards as the District but

more suited to a small school.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will be able to determine its own investment strategy.


DGA.DGB     Authorized Signatures/Check-Writing Services


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and should develop its own policy regarding controls on check writing.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School has a policy of controls on check writing more suitable to a small school. Specifically, the dollar amount thresholds at which additional signatures are required will be lower than that specified in this District policy.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will be able to develop policy regarding controls on check writing, subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


DJ   Procurement and Contracting


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will be responsible for vendor purchases and contracts.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will establish its own purchasing and contracting policies, but will probably not create a special department for this due to the schools relatively small size. Procurement and Contracting will be the responsibility of GLOBE Charter School's Director/Principal and/or Business Manager (if applicable). GLOBE Charter School, where allowed, will use the District's Procurement and Contracting Department when it is advantageous to do so. Other than waiving the establishment of a professional procurement and contracting department," GLOBE Charter School would request a delegative waiver of the rest of this District policy.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will be responsible for vendor purchases and contracts.


DKA          Payroll Procedures

DKA-R    Compensation Administration (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and should be responsible for determining its payroll procedures and schedules.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School may choose to pay its employees bi-monthly instead of monthly. Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will be able to determine its payroll procedures and schedules.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects as a result of this waiver it will be able to determine its payroll procedures and schedules.

Section "E" Policies

Section "E" Policies

ECAD            Personal Property Damage Reimbursement


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is operating independently from other schools in the district and should be delegated the authority to implement its own policy for personal property damage in conjunction with their current insurance policies which follow all state and federal regulations.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's administration and Governing Board will oversee this policy.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver, the Director/Principal will have the ability, along with the Governing Board, to implement a plan that is beneficial to the school and its employees.

EEA Student Transportation

EEAA Transportation Eligibility 

EEAA-E Transportation Eligibility (Exhibit)

EEAA-R Transportation Eligibility Regulation

EEAB  Special Needs Student Transportation

EEAB-R  Special Needs Student Transportation (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will define its own policy regarding student transportation services in accordance with the Charter Application.

Plan: As outlined in the GLOBE Charter Application, GLOBE Charter School may not provide any transportation services, or only limited transportation services. It is the desire of GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board to provide transportation services to those students most in need of assistance, and the GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will direct administration and parent organization (if applicable) to find creative, low-cost transportation solutions wherever possible. As the budget allows, or as grants for transportation are awarded, GLOBE Charter School will provide transportation services, with priority going to those most in need of transportation assistance.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its student transportation services to those students most in need of assistance subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


EEAC  Bus Scheduling and Routing

EEÃC-R Bus scheduling and Routing (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will define its own policy for developing schedules and routes for student transportation services in accordance with the Charter Application.

Plan: As discussed above (in EEA & EEAA) regarding Student Transportation, if and when GLOBE Charter School provides transportation services, the Governing Board shall be responsible for developing schedules and routes.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result ofthis waiver the Governing Board will manage its student transportation routes and schedules subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.

Section "G" Policies

Section "G" Policies

No section F policy waivers are requested as GLOBE is housed in a District facility.


GBDB          Board-Staff Meet and Confer Process

Substantive —As an at-will employer, these policies will not apply to GLOBE Charter School.

GBGD        Workers' Compensation


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will manage its workers' compensation coverage to comply with applicable laws.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will provide coverage required by applicable law.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its workers' compensation subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GBGF Family and Medical Leave

GBGFR1  Family and Medical Leave Act (Regulation)

GBGFR2   Colorado Family and Medical Care Act Leave (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will implement its family and medical leave regulations to comply with applicable laws. Modifications to district policy may be necessary to accommodate the smaller size and fewer employees of GLOBE Charter School.

Plan: We believe GLOBE Charter School employees will be covered by FMLA despite GLOBE Charter School not employing at least 50 employees. Otherwise GLOBE Charter School will use this regulation as a template for its own regulations regarding FMLA.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its family and medical leave regulations subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCAA        Instructional Staff Positions


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and thus will tailor its job descriptions to the unique needs and goals of GLOBE Charter School. The success of GLOBE Charter School will depend in large part upon its ability to select and employ its own staff in accordance with this Charter School Agreement and the goals and objectives of the school.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will develop its own job descriptions to include any physical capabilities required for specific positions. The Contract Refs mentioned in this policy do not apply to charter schools, and some of GLOBE Charter School's instructional staff may not be certified (although certification will always be preferred when all other factors are equal).

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its Instructional staff positions subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCBBB Administrative Staff Experience and Longevity Program

GCBC       Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans/Overtime

GCBD       Professional Staff Fringe Benefits


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will define its salary schedule as well as supplementary pay and fringe benefit plans.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will set all staff and administrative salary schedules, supplementary pay plans, overtime policies, and fringe benefits.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its instructional, administrative, and professional supplementary pay and fringe benefit plans subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCCAA-R          Instructional Staff Sick Leave


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for its instructional staff leave and absences policies.

Plan: These policies will not apply to GLOBE Charter School's at-will employees.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage instructional staff sick leave policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCEC Posting and Advertising of Professional/Executive Vacancies


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will define its own posting policies for administrative vacancies when necessary.

Plan: While GLOBE Charter School will typically follow this District policy, there may be rare circumstances where GLOBE Charter School may not wish to post administrative job vacancies.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage posting and advertising of professional vacancies policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.

GCE-GCF  Teachers and Executive/Professionals Recruiting/Hiring/Background Checks
GCE-GCF-R  Teachers and Executive/Professionals Recruiting/Hiring/Background Checks (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will define its own policies on hiring, recruiting, and background checks for teachers and executive professionals.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will typically follow this District policy; however, they may be circumstances where GLOBE Charter School may not wish to follow exactly.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage recruiting, hiring, and background checks.


GCG/GCGA       Substitute, Temporary and Part-Time Teachers and Executive/Professional Employees


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will define its pan-time and substitute professional staff employment requirements and practices.

Plan: As with professional staff, part-time and substitute professional staffmembers at GLOBE Charter School will not be subject to the certification requirements of state law.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its part time and substitute professional staff requirements subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCID Professional Staff Training, Workshops and Conferences


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for developing and implementing its professional staff orientation, training, staff development, workshops and conferences procedures and policies.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will develop and implement its own staff orientation, training, and development policies and procedures.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its professional staff orientation, training, staff development, workshops and conferences policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCKB            Administrative Staff Assignments and Transfers


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for instructional and administrative staff assignments and transfer procedures.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Director/Principal will be responsible for staff and administrative assignments and transfers within GLOBE Charter School.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its instructional and administrative staff assignments and transfer policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCOC    Evaluation of Administrative Staff


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will set evaluations of staff according to law.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will set policy for evaluations.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will define and manage its evaluation of instructional and administrative staff policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCPB   Demotion and Reclassification of Executive/Professional Employees


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for promotion, demotion, and termination policies for all GLOBE Charter School employees.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will set policy regarding promotion, demotion and termination of all GLOBE Charter School employees.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage promotion, demotion, and termination policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCQC    Resignation of Licensed Staff Members


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School will be responsible for its own personnel matters, including establishing its own terms and conditions of employment, policies, rules and regulations, and providing its own training. Staff employed at GLOBE Charter School will be employed on an at-will basis.

Plan: All employment at GLOBE Charter School is at-will, so the bulk of this policy will not apply to GLOBE Charter School.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage resignation of instructional and administrative staff policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GCR   Nonschool Employment of Professional Staff Substantive

Rationale: GLOBE Charter School will be responsible for its own personnel matters.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will decide its own policy on work outside of employment.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver, the Governing Board will have policy in place for nonschool employment practices.


GCRC        Staff Consulting Activities


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for its staff consulting policies.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will have limited staff and will generally not make them available to other agencies unless required by law.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage staff consulting policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GDG           Substitute, Temporary and Part-Time Educational Support Professionals 


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for its part-time and substitute support staff employment policies in compliance with all applicable laws.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will adopt policy similar to this (in particular, maintaining a list of authorized substitutes and background checks), but GLOBE Charter School will set its own pay schedules for substitute staff, in compliance with all applicable labor laws.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its part time and substitute support staff employment policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GDJ            Educational Support Professionals Assignments and Transfers


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for support staff assignments and transfer policies.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's staff will not be assigned or transferred outside of GLOBE Charter School except under exceptional circumstances.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its support staff assignments and transfer policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


GDP      Educational Support Professionals Promotions, Demotions and Reclassification


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for its own personnel matters.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will set policies in regards to all its staff.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its support staff promotion, resignation, work force reduction, retirement, suspension, and termination policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.

Section "I" Policies

Section "I" Policies

All Section "H" Policies

NIA - The Section "H" policies are not applicable to charter schools.

IE    Organization of Instruction


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and may define its organization of instruction to comply with all applicable regulations.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School outlines a unified program of instruction that includes special education, GT and ELL in alignment with all federal and state regulations, and will confer with district personnel as necessary to remain in compliance with all of the latest guidelines. GLOBE Charter School provides a K6 model.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its organization of instruction subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


IHA    Basic Instructional Program


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will define its own basic instructional program to comply with all applicable state requirements and standards.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will prepare and outline its own basic instructional program in line with its K-6 model in accordance with all state standards and with note of the District 11 standards.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its basic instructional program subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


IHCA          Summer School


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will design and implement its own summer school programs to accommodate the needs of students. 

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will coordinate and supervise its own summer school programs, with staffing provided first by GLOBE Charter School applicants.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its summer school programs subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


IJNA    Teacher Aides


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for the hiring and oversight of teacher aides at GLOBE Charter School.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Director/Principal will hire and oversee any teacher aides in GLOBE Charter School's program within its team structure as outlined in the application. Because GLOBE Charter School will be waived from certification requirements, it is possible that teacher's aides at GLOBE Charter School will be supervised by non-certificated personnel. (Note that GLOBE Charter School will prefer certified personnel to non-certified personnel, all other criteria being equal.)

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its own hiring and oversight of teacher aides subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


IKAB                    Report Cards/Progress Reports

IKAB-R         Report Cards/Progress Reports (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will design and implement its own report cards/progress reports.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Director will oversee the report and progress report process of GLOBE Charter School's program, including the required information from District 1 1 policy. However, GLOBE Charter School's report cards and progress reports will probably differ from the District's "uniform" report cards and progress reports. The Director will also ensure the appropriate procedures for sending and retrieving student records from other schools within and beyond District I l .

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its report cards/progress reports subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


IKACA   Parent Conferences, Staff Meetings, and School Meetings


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for its parent conferences, staff meetings, and school meetings.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Director will oversee the process of at least two teacher-family conferences each year.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its parent conferences, staff meetings, and school meetings subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.

Section "J" Policies

Section "J" Policies

JC              School Attendance Areas


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will develop its own policies to govern enrollment procedures.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will have open enrollment to the entire Pikes Peak Region without drawing attendance boundaries, and will set its own cap for enrollment. It will maintain a waiting list

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage and implement its enrollment policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


JFABD      Admission of Homeless Students


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and does not provide transportation, but GLOBE Charter School will support the intent of the district policy.

Plan: While in full support of this policy, as a school of choice GLOBE Charter School does not provide a comprehensive transportation plan. GLOBE Charter School's Director may be able to find solutions for the transportation of any homeless children to its program as needed, but these solutions may include a range of options according to the GLOBE Charter School's budget. Such options might include bus passes provided by the parent organization to a family in need, carpooling options, and at some point the purchase of a bus or van for shuttling services.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects as a result of this waiver it will manage homeless student admissions subject to the limitations of the Charter School Agreement

JFBAJFBB    School Choice-Open Enrollment and Transfer

JFBAJFBBe   School Choice-Open Enrollment and Transfer

JFBAJFBBr  School Choice-Open Enrollment and Transfer


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will manage its open enrollment policies.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School welcomes students from all area school districts, in accordance with Colorado statute that more than fifty percent must reside within Colorado Springs School District 11 and/or districts contiguous to it. GLOBE Charter School will use a waiting list, according to the Enrollment Policies and Procedures defined and enrolled students need not reapply for a permit every year. GLOBE Charter School will align its enrollment procedures for students with disabilities to this section of the policy.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its enrollment policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


JICA          Student Dress, Accessories and Grooming


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will develop its policies regarding dress code.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School fully supports the District's dress code policy and will align its policy with District policy. However, GLOBE Charter School requests a waiver of this District policy to make accommodations for students with special needs, such a student who needs to wear a hat or sunglasses because reflective glare offa paper or items in his/her peripheral vision interferes with his/her ability to read the paper; in which instance special permission may be granted by GLOBE Charter School Director.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage and implement its dress code policy subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


JICDE       Bullying Prevention and Education


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is its own entity and will develop and implement its own bully prevention and education policies in compliance with Colorado statutes.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School, in alignment of the intent of District policy and in compliance with Colorado statutes, will prepare, implement, and evaluate its own anti-bullying curriculum and program.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage and implement its bully prevention policies subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


Section "K" Policies

Section "K" Policies

KCD           Gifts/Donations to Schools

KCD -R          Gifts/Donations to Schools (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will implement policies to ensure donations and gifts to the school follow proper non-profit protocol and comply with applicable regulations.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will have policies relating to gift acceptance and related purchasing.

Expected Outcome: As a result of this waiver GLOBE Charter School will implement its own donations policy and comply with all related state and federal nonprofit regulations subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


KDA  Public Information/School Communications Program


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will develop its own policies and procedures relating to public information and communications.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School's Governing Board will develop policies and procedures to communicate with the public to keep them informed.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its public information and communications subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement,


KDE           Crisis Management (Safety, Readiness and Incident Management Planning)

KDE-E-I Emergency Operations Plan (Safety, Readiness and Incident Management Planning)

KDE-E-2 Emergency Response Plan


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for developing its own crisis management policies.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will develop a school response framework that will comply with the National Incident Management System (MMS). The needs unique to the student population anticipated to be enrolled will be addressed.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will take control of its crisis management subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.


KHB       Advertising in Schools/District

KHB-R    Advertising in Schools/District (Regulation)


Rationale: GLOBE Charter School is a separate entity and will be responsible for adopting policies for relationships with corporate sponsors.

Plan: GLOBE Charter School will establish relationships with corporate sponsors meeting standards of good taste and positive values.

Expected Outcome: GLOBE Charter School expects that as a result of this waiver it will manage its own relationship with corporate sponsors subject to the limitations in the Charter School Agreement.

Section "L" Policies

Section "L" Policies

GLOBE Charter School does not have any Substantive Waivers in Section L.